
Edward Hicks, The Peaceable Kingdom, 1822-1825. Given at the behest of Anonymous Museum Benefactors, National Museum of Wildlife Art. Color Blind Conversion Courtesy of EnChroma
EnChroma improves experience for guests at NMWA
The National Museum of Wildlife Art has partnered with EnChroma – creators of eyewear for color blindness, to help color blind guests experience a fuller range of colors in artwork. EnChroma’s patented lens technology is engineered with special optical filters that help people with color blindness see an expanded range of colors more vibrantly, clearly and distinctly. The Museum is the first organization in the state of Wyoming to offer accessibility to the color blind through the EnChroma Color Accessibility Program.
One in 12 men (8%) and one in 200 women (.5%) are color vision deficient; an estimated 13 million in the United States and 350 million worldwide. While people with normal color vision see over one million shades of color, those with color vision deficiency are estimated to see only about 10% of hues and shades. With a population of 10,553 in Jackson Hole, that means about 448 are color blind. Roughly 2.6 million tourists visit Jackson Hole annually with over 110,00 color blind.
“We’re grateful to be able to offer this program to our visitors to enhance their museum experience and see art from a different angle,” says Steve Seamons, Museum Director. “Looking at the difference of Caravan (Owl) by Peter Gerakaris with the glasses and without, really puts things in perspective.”
“EnChroma is excited that the National Museum of Wildlife Art is giving color blind guests the opportunity to experience its unique colorful works of art with EnChroma glasses,” said Erik Ritchie, CEO of EnChroma. “Tourists from all over the world, who flock to experience the natural beauty of Jackson Hole, will now be able to more fully appreciate colors in the museum’s exhibits as well.”

©Peter Gerakaris, Caravan (Owl), 2012. Purchased with funds generously donated by Adrienne and John Mars, National Museum of Wildlife Art. Color Blind Conversion Courtesy of EnChroma
About EnChroma
Based in Berkeley, Calif., EnChroma produces leading-edge eyewear for color blindness and low vision, and other solutions for color vision, sold online and through Authorized Retailers worldwide. Invented in 2010, EnChroma’s patented eyewear for color blindness combines the latest in color perception neuroscience and lens innovation to improve the lives of people with color vision deficiency around the world. EnChroma received an SBIR grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). It earned the 2016 Tibbetts Award from the U.S. Small Business Administration in recognition of the firm’s innovative impact on the human experience through technology, and the 2020 Innovation Award in Life Sciences from the Bay Area’s East Bay Economic Development Alliance.

Jean-Leon Gerome, Tiger Observing Cranes, c. 1890. National Museum of Wildlife Art Collection. Color Blind Conversion Courtesy of EnChroma

Robert Bateman (Canada, b. 1930), Chief, 1997. Acrylic on Canvas. 71 x 98 inches. Gift of Birgit and Robert Bateman, National Museum of Wildlife Art. © Robert Bateman.
3D Tactile Display of Chief
The National Museum of Wildlife Art is pleased to have a 3D tactile display for the Museum’s Greene Pathways Gallery. Chief, by the artist Robert Bateman, was replicated into an interactive installation. This 3D relief allows blind and low-vision visitors to engage with the artwork through touch and sound. The Smart Family Fund generously sponsored the display.
About Tactile Images
The Museum partnered with Tactile Images and 3DPhotoWorks to re-create Chief into a tactile image with which all visitors can engage through a multi-sensory experience. Through the senses of touch and sound, the blind and visually impaired community will be able to experience this amazing work by Bateman. In addition to 3D imagery, braille is used for text, and there is a combination of sensors to provide a touch-activated narrative in both English and Spanish. The audio clips include statements from the artist and sounds from the Yellowstone Sound Library. These features will allow museum visitors to use the confluence of sensory stimulation to form their own mental picture of the image. Visually impaired visitors can explore the depth and complexity of one of the Museum’s most popular works, perhaps for the first time.
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