National Museum of Wildlife Art Re-envisions Mission and Vision Statements
April 5, 2023The National Museum of Wildlife Art (NMWA) is pleased to unveil its new mission and vision statements. Sparked during a strategic planning meeting last fall, NMWA staff and the Board of Trustees worked closely together to re-envision the Museum’s mission and vision statements to better align with the Museum’s current trajectory and strategic goals. After a thoughtful and thorough process, the new statements are as follows:
Mission Statement: Impart knowledge and generate wonder through art and education.
Vision Statement: Inspire connections with wildlife and nature.
“Often overlooked, an institution’s mission and vision statements are at the core of an organization’s purpose–the how and the why, respectively. So it was essential that the vision be big picture and all-encompassing, while the mission reflects how we achieve that vision,” says Museum Director Steve Seamons. “It was a full team effort from our staff and board members, and the results encapsulate what the collection and our staff provide for the community. It’s incredibly fulfilling to be a part of an organization that generates wonder.”
The former mission statement, “to impart knowledge and inspire appreciation of humanity’s relationship with wildlife and nature through art and education,” has been refined. One fundamental change to the mission was adding the word “wonder.” Wonder can mean awe or amazement, but it can also mean to ponder or be curious–this dual meaning resonates deeply with the work NMWA does. The Museum seeks to inspire and generate amazement, but beyond that, NMWA strives to create thought-provoking exhibitions, provide a space for discourse, and expand horizons.
The former vision statement, “To be the world’s premiere repository of wildlife art,” was last revised in 2019, and the Museum’s scope and goals have evolved since then. The word “connection” was a key component during discussions. Director of Marketing Madison Webb says “connections” came from a three-hour workshop with the Museum’s advancement team comprising the marketing, development, membership, and programs and events departments. “We started talking about why we came to work every day and why the Museum mattered. Everyone mentioned ‘connections’—between visitors and nature, between nature and art, between visitors and art, and also with the Jackson Hole community and the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem,” she says.
Nearing the end of its 35th anniversary year, the Museum is continually evolving and growing. NMWA imparts knowledge and generates wonder through art and education in order to inspire connections with wildlife and nature.
- Joseph Wolf (Germany, 1820 – 1899), Bearded Vultures Attacking an Alpine Ibex, 1861. Oil on canvas. 90.5 x 67 inches. Gift of the 2013 Collectors Circle. National Museum of Wildlife Art.
- Carl Rungius (Germany, 1869 – 1959), The Days of Bison Millions, 1917. Oil on canvas. 69 x 90 inches. Gift of Jackson Hole Preserve/Laurence S. Rockefeller, National Museum of Wildlife Art. © Estate of Carl Rungius.
- © Stewart Steinhauer (Saddle Lake Cree Nation, b. 1952), Buffalo Mountain, 2015. Little Buffalo Mountain, 2015. Purchased with Funds Donated by Lynn and Foster Friess with additional assistance from the National Museum of Wildlife Art Acquisition Fund.